ratingslib.ratings package

Python package for Rating methods This package includes the implementation of the following rating methods:

  1. WinLoss : winloss

  2. Colley : colley

  3. Massey : massey

  4. Elo : elo

  5. Keener : keener

  6. OffenseDefense : od

  7. AccuRATE : accurate

  8. GeM : markov

Several evaluation metrics that related with rating methods are included in the module metrics.py.

All rating systems in this package have been implemented by exploiting several functions of NumPy and SciPy libraries in python that are intended for algebraic and scientific computations. Particularly, NumPy was used:

  1. matrices and vectors handling

  2. linear systems solving

  3. finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors

  4. other problems of linear algebra required for the implementation of rating methods

As for the statistical tests, such as Kendalls’s Tau for the correlation of ranking lists, SciPy was used.

class Winloss(version=ratings.WINLOSS, normalization=True)

Bases: RatingSystem

The traditional rating method which is popular in the field of sports. In the case of sports teams the method takes into account the total wins of each team. The first-ranked team is the team with the most wins. Note that for any kind of items, there are many ways to define the notion of a hypothetical matchup and then to determine scores and winners.

  • version (str, default=ratings.WINLOSS) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

  • normalization (bool, default = True) – If True then the result will be normalized according to the total times each item occurs in the dataset. For example in sport teams set normalization = True if the teams haven’t played same number of games. This means that each element of W vector is divided by the total number of games played by the respective team.


The WinLoss vector for items of shape (n,) where n = the total number of items. Each element of vector represents the total wins of the respective item.




The following example demonstrates Winloss rating system, for the 20 first soccer matches that took place during the 2018-2019 season of English Premier League.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.winloss import Winloss
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES)
>>> Winloss(normalization=False).rate_from_file(filename)
              Item  rating  ranking
0          Arsenal     0.0        3
1      Bournemouth     2.0        1
2         Brighton     1.0        2
3          Burnley     0.0        3
4          Cardiff     0.0        3
5          Chelsea     2.0        1
6   Crystal Palace     1.0        2
7          Everton     1.0        2
8           Fulham     0.0        3
9     Huddersfield     0.0        3
10       Leicester     1.0        2
11       Liverpool     2.0        1
12        Man City     2.0        1
13      Man United     1.0        2
14       Newcastle     0.0        3
15     Southampton     0.0        3
16       Tottenham     2.0        1
17         Watford     2.0        1
18        West Ham     0.0        3
19          Wolves     0.0        3

All the calculations are made in ratingslib.ratings.winloss.Winloss.create_win_loss_vector() method. Winloss vector is the rating vector.

create_win_loss_vector(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) ndarray

Construction of WinLoss vector.

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


class Keener(version=ratings.KEENER, normalization: bool = True)

Bases: RatingSystem

This method has been proposed by James P. Keener in 1993 for football teams ranking in uneven paired competition [1]_. Keener’s method is based on the theory of nonnegative matrices and forms a smoothed matrix of scores generated by Laplace’s rule of succession.

  • version (str, default=ratings.KEENER) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

  • normalization (bool, default = True) – If True then the result will be normalized according to the total times each item occurs in the dataset. For example in sport teams set normalization = True if the teams haven’t played same number of games.


The Keener matrix. It has shape (n, n) where n = the total number of items.




The matrix containing the cumulative number of points scored by each item to any other item. It has shape (n, n) where n = the total number of items.





Keener, J. P., 1993. The Perron-Frobenius theorem and the ranking of football teams. SIAM Review, 35(1), pp. 80-93


The following example demonstrates Keener rating system, for the 20 first soccer matches that took place during the 2018-2019 season of English Premier League.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.keener import Keener
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES)
>>> Keener(normalization=False).rate_from_file(filename)
              Item    rating  ranking
0          Arsenal  0.047220       17
1      Bournemouth  0.052874        4
2         Brighton  0.049183       11
3          Burnley  0.048576       14
4          Cardiff  0.048243       16
5          Chelsea  0.052800        5
6   Crystal Palace  0.049870       10
7          Everton  0.051214        7
8           Fulham  0.046829       18
9     Huddersfield  0.046068       20
10       Leicester  0.050701        8
11       Liverpool  0.053796        1
12        Man City  0.053511        2
13      Man United  0.050322        9
14       Newcastle  0.048939       13
15     Southampton  0.048969       12
16       Tottenham  0.052569        6
17         Watford  0.053265        3
18        West Ham  0.046730       19
19          Wolves  0.048320       15
static compute(A: ndarray)

To be overridden in subclasses.

create_keener_matrix(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Construction of Keener matrix and points matrix S


Skewing function

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


class Massey(version=ratings.MASSEY, data_limit=0)

Bases: RatingSystem

This method was proposed by Kenneth Massey in 1997 for ranking college football teams [1]_. The Massey method apart from numbers of wins and losses, it also considers the point score data to rate items via a system of linear equations. It uses a linear least squares regression to solve a system of linear equations. Note that point score data depends on the application, for instance in soccer teams the points are the number of goals of each team.

  • version (str, default=ratings.MASSEY) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

  • data_limit (int, default=0) – The parameter data_limit specifies the minimum number of observations in the dataset. Default is set 0 and indicates no limit.


The adjusted Massey matrix. The last row of this matrix is replaced with vector of all ones.




The adjusted point differentials vector. The last item of this vector is replaced zero.





Massey, K. (1997). Statistical models applied to the rating of sports teams. Statistical models applied to the rating of sports teams.


The following example demonstrates Massey rating system, for the 20 first soccer matches that took place during the 2018-2019 season of English Premier League.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.massey import Massey
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES)
>>> Massey().rate_from_file(filename)
              Item        rating  ranking
0          Arsenal  2.500000e+00       11
1      Bournemouth  4.781250e+00        3
2         Brighton -4.781250e+00       14
3          Burnley -6.031250e+00       17
4          Cardiff  3.031250e+00        9
5          Chelsea  3.250000e+00        8
6   Crystal Palace  5.031250e+00        2
7          Everton -6.281250e+00       18
8           Fulham  2.781250e+00       10
9     Huddersfield  2.220446e-15       12
10       Leicester -5.531250e+00       16
11       Liverpool  7.281250e+00        1
12        Man City  4.750000e+00        4
13      Man United -5.156250e+00       15
14       Newcastle  3.281250e+00        7
15     Southampton -6.656250e+00       19
16       Tottenham  4.531250e+00        5
17         Watford -3.406250e+00       13
18        West Ham  3.531250e+00        6
19          Wolves -6.906250e+00       20

To be overridden in subclasses.

create_massey_matrix(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Construction of adjusted Massey matrix (M_adj) and adjusted point differential vector (d_adj)

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


class OffenseDefense(version=ratings.OD, tol=0.0001)

Bases: RatingSystem

Offense-Defense is a modified version of ranking algorithm HITS used in Ask search engine. This rating system developed by Anjela Govan during her PhD [1]_ [2]_ for sport teams rating. The main idea of this method is to separate the offensive and defensive strength of each team and the final rating vector can be generated by combining offensive and defensive lists.

  • version (str, default=ratings.OD) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

  • tol (float, default=0.0001) – Tolerance level


Adjacency matrix of items scores.




P matrix of OD method.




Defense rating vector.




Offense rating vector.




Error until convergence.




Number of iterations to produce convergence of both of the Offense and Defense vectors.





Govan, A. Y., Langville, A. N., & Meyer, C. D. (2009). Offense-defense approach to ranking team sports. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 5(1)


Govan, A. Y. (2008). Ranking Theory with Application to Popular Sports. Ph.D. dissertation, North Carolina State University.


The following example demonstrates Offense-Defense rating system, for the 20 first soccer matches that took place during the 2018-2019 season of English Premier League.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.od import OffenseDefense
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES)
>>> OffenseDefense(tol=0.0001).rate_from_file(filename)
              Item        rating  ranking
0          Arsenal  1.934298e+00       12
1      Bournemouth  1.312759e+06        3
2         Brighton  3.712401e+00       11
3          Burnley  4.103263e+05        4
4          Cardiff  4.757391e-04       14
5          Chelsea  4.576599e+00       10
6   Crystal Palace  1.049852e+03        7
7          Everton  2.080318e-07       16
8           Fulham  1.532621e-12       20
9     Huddersfield  5.583941e-01       13
10       Leicester  1.876215e+04        6
11       Liverpool  3.403605e+12        1
12        Man City  5.284698e+00        9
13      Man United  6.223487e+00        8
14       Newcastle  9.071493e-08       18
15     Southampton  2.510896e-07       15
16       Tottenham  9.071797e-08       17
17         Watford  1.864760e+06        2
18        West Ham  2.311787e+05        5
19          Wolves  3.793810e-11       19

Compute offense, defense vectors and overall ratings.

create_score_matrices(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Construct score matrix A and P

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

Create A and P matrices

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


class Markov(*, version=ratings.MARKOV, b: float = 1, stats_markov_dict: Optional[Union[Dict[str, dict], Set[str]]] = None)

Bases: RatingSystem

This class implements the Markov (GeM - Generalized Markov Method) rating system. GeM was first used by graduate students, Angela Govan [1]_ and Luke Ingram [2]_ to successfully rank NFL football and NCAA basketball teams respectively. The Markov (GeM) method is related to the famous PageRank method 3 and it uses parts of finite Markov chains and graph theory in order to generate ratings of n objects in a finite set. Not only sports but also any problem that can be represented as a weighted directed graph can be solved using GeM model.

  • version (str, default=ratings.MARKOV) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

  • b (float, default=1) – The damping factor. Valid numbers are in the range [0,1]

  • stats_markov_dict (Optional[Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]], default=None) –

    A dictionary containing statistics details for the method. For instance for soccer teams rating, the following dictionary stats_markov_dict:

    stats_markov_dict = {
    'TotalWins': {'VOTE': 10, 'ITEM_I': 'FTHG', 'ITEM_J': 'FTAG',
                   'METHOD': 'VotingWithLosses'},
    'TotalGoals': {'VOTE': 10, 'ITEM_I': 'FTHG', 'ITEM_J': 'FTAG',
                    'METHOD': 'WinnersAndLosersVotePoint'}

    specifies the following details:

    • TotalGoals and TotalWins are the names of two statistics

    • 'VOTE' : 10 means that the vote is 10. Those votes will be converted as weights. The statistics in this example are equally weighted

    • 'ITEM_I': 'FTHG' and 'ITEM_J': 'FTAG' are the column names for home and away team respectively

    • The key 'METHOD' specifies which method constructs the voting matrix. The available methods are:

      1. 'VotingWithLosses' when the losing team casts a number of votes equal to the margin of victory in its matchup with a stronger opponent.

      2. 'WinnersAndLosersVotePoint' when both the winning and losing teams vote with the number of points given up.

      3. 'LosersVotePointDiff' when the losing team cast a number of votes

    See also the implementation of the method



Dictionary that maps voting and stochastic arrays. The keys that starts with V map the voting matrices and with S map the stochastic matrices


Dict[str, np.ndarray]


Dictionary that maps parameters to their values.


Dict[str, Optional[Dict[str, Dict[Any, Any]]]]


A Stochastic Markov matrix is a square matrix where each entry describes the probability that the item will vote for the respective item.




A Stochastic Markov matrix that is irreducible




The stationary vector or dominant eigenvector of the stochastic_matrix.




Set of statistics names




ValueError – Value of b ∈ [0, 1]


The following example demonstrate GeM rating system, for the 20 first soccer matches that took place during the 2018-2019 season of English Premier League.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.markov import Markov
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES)
>>> votes = {
        'TW': {
            'VOTE': 10,
            'ITEM_I': 'FTHG',
            'ITEM_J': 'FTAG',
            'METHOD': 'VotingWithLosses'},
        'TG': {
            'VOTE': 10,
            'ITEM_I': 'FTHG',
            'ITEM_J': 'FTAG',
            'METHOD': 'WinnersAndLosersVotePoint'},
        'TST': {
            'VOTE': 10,
            'ITEM_I': 'HST',
            'ITEM_J': 'AST',
            'METHOD': 'WinnersAndLosersVotePoint'},
        'TS': {
            'VOTE': 10,
            'ITEM_I': 'HS',
            'ITEM_J': 'AS',
            'METHOD': 'WinnersAndLosersVotePoint'},
>>> Markov(b=0.85, stats_markov_dict=votes).rate_from_file(filename)
                Item    rating  ranking
    0          Arsenal  0.050470       11
    1      Bournemouth  0.039076       15
    2         Brighton  0.051460       10
    3          Burnley  0.071596        2
    4          Cardiff  0.024085       20
    5          Chelsea  0.045033       13
    6   Crystal Palace  0.037678       16
    7          Everton  0.066307        3
    8           Fulham  0.036356       17
    9     Huddersfield  0.032164       19
    10       Leicester  0.055491        7
    11       Liverpool  0.056879        6
    12        Man City  0.048325       12
    13      Man United  0.061052        4
    14       Newcastle  0.035814       18
    15     Southampton  0.051716        9
    16       Tottenham  0.053079        8
    17         Watford  0.082788        1
    18        West Ham  0.041824       14
    19          Wolves  0.058807        5



Govan, A. Y. (2008). Ranking Theory with Application to Popular Sports. Ph.D. dissertation, North Carolina State University.


Ingram, L. C. (2007). Ranking NCAA sports teams with Linear algebra. Ranking NCAA sports teams with Linear algebra. Charleston


Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page. The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 33:107-17, 1998.


Set the group of statistics.

static do_stochastic(voting_matrix: ndarray)

Normalize the rows of the voting matrix to develop a stochastic transition probability matrix.


voting_matrix (List[list]) –


stochastic_matrix – Stochastic matrix built from the corresponding voting

Return type


static compute(stochastic_matrix, b)

Compute the stationary vector or dominant eigenvector of the transpose of irreducible matrix. Stationary vector is the rating vector. Note: irreducible matrix is the stochastic_matrix_asch and stationary vector is the pi_steady.

create_voting_matrix(*, voting_method: Literal['VotingWithLosses', 'WinnersAndLosersVotePoint', 'LosersVotePointDiff'], data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, col_name_home: str, col_name_away: str, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) ndarray

Selection of method for developing voting matrix. The available methods are:

  1. 'VotingWithLosses' when the losing team casts a number of votes equal to the margin of victory in its matchup with a stronger opponent.

  2. 'WinnersAndLosersVotePoint' when both the winning and losing teams vote with the number of points given up.

  3. 'LosersVotePointDiff' when the losing team cast a number of votes.

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

During preparation phase, voting and stochastic matrices are constructed for each statistic according to the method specified in the dictionary of attr:stats_markov_dict.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


static validate_stats_markov_dict(stats_markov_dict: dict)
class AccuRate(version: str = ratings.ACCURATE, starting_point: float = 0)

Bases: RatingSystem

This class implements the ratingslib.ratings.RatingSystem abstract class using an approach called AccuRate for the computation of rating values as described in the paper [1]_

  • version (str, default=ratings.ACCURATE) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

  • starting_point (int) – the value where the initial rating starts



Kyriakides, G., Talattinis, K., & Stephanides, G. (2017). A Hybrid Approach to Predicting Sports Results and an AccuRATE Rating System. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 3(1), 239–254.


The following example demonstrates Accurate rating system for a simple soccer competition where only two teams participate, team “Good” and team “Better”.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_ACCURATE_PAPER_EXAMPLE
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.accurate import AccuRate
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_ACCURATE_PAPER_EXAMPLE)
>>> AccuRate().rate_from_file(filename)
     Team    rating  ranking
0  Better  1.681793        1
1    Good -1.587401        2
create_rating_vector(data: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) ndarray

Calculates ratings according to pairs of items data.


Nothing to compute, all the calculations are made in ratingslib.ratings.accurate.AccuRate.create_rating_vector() method

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


class Elo(version=ratings.ELOWIN, K: int = 40, HA=0, ks=400, starting_point: float = 1500)

Bases: RatingSystem

Elo ranking system developed by Arpad Elo [1]_ in order to rank chess players, this system has been adopted by quite a lot of sports and organizations.

This implementation includes two basic versions of Elo:

  • The first is called EloWin and takes into account total wins of items. In soccer teams the final outcome determines the winner.

  • The second is called EloPoint and takes into account items scores. In soccer the points are the goals scored be each team.

Note that for any kind of items, there are many ways to define the notion of a hypothetical matchup and then to determine scores and winners.

  • version (str, default=ratings.ELOWIN) – a string that shows version of rating system

  • K (int, default=40) – K-factor is the maximum possible adjustment per pair of items. For soccer, K–factor plays an important role because it balances the deviation for the goal difference in the game against prior ratings.

  • HA (int, default=0) – The home advantage factor is an adjustment that is used due to the fact that home teams tend to score more goals. Elo system applies the home-field advantage factor, by adding it to the rating of home team. Many implementations of Elo model for soccer, set the home-field advantage to 100. The default value 0 means that method does not take into account home advantage factor.

  • ks (float, default=400) – Parameter ξ (ks) affects the spread of ratings and comes from logistic function. For chess and soccer games usually, ξ is set to 400.

  • starting_point (float, default = 1500) – The value where the initial rating starts


Soccer application and Elo: According to the type of soccer tournament the following values represents the K-Factor value suggested by several internet sites [2]_:

  • World Cup Finals = 60

  • Continental Championship Finals and Major Intercontinental tournaments = 50

  • World Cup Qualifiers and Major Tournaments = 40

  • All other tournaments = 30

  • Friendly matches = 20



Elo, A. E. (1978). The rating of chessplayers, past and present. Arco Pub.




The following examples demonstrates the EloWin and the EloPoint version, for the 20 first soccer matches that took place during the 2018-2019 season of English Premier League.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.elo import Elo
>>> from ratingslib.utils.enums import ratings
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES)
>>> Elo(version=ratings.ELOWIN, starting_point=0).rate_from_file(filename)
              Item     rating  ranking
0          Arsenal -37.707535       12
1      Bournemouth  37.707535        3
2         Brighton   2.292465        5
3          Burnley -18.849977        9
4          Cardiff -20.000000       10
5          Chelsea  37.707535        3
6   Crystal Palace   0.000000        7
7          Everton  20.000000        4
8           Fulham -37.707535       12
9     Huddersfield -37.707535       12
10       Leicester   1.150023        6
11       Liverpool  40.000000        1
12        Man City  37.707535        3
13      Man United  -2.292465        8
14       Newcastle -20.000000       10
15     Southampton -20.000000       10
16       Tottenham  37.707535        3
17         Watford  38.849977        2
18        West Ham -37.707535       12
19          Wolves -21.150023       11
>>> Elo(version=ratings.ELOPOINT, starting_point=0).rate_from_file(filename)
              Item     rating  ranking
0          Arsenal -11.592411       17
1      Bournemouth  12.658841        5
2         Brighton  -6.337388       14
3          Burnley  -6.091179       13
4          Cardiff  -9.654647       15
5          Chelsea  13.592411        4
6   Crystal Palace   0.191876       10
7          Everton   4.000000        8
8           Fulham -15.861198       18
9     Huddersfield -21.846379       20
10       Leicester   6.230248        7
11       Liverpool  23.141457        1
12        Man City  19.846379        2
13      Man United   0.337388        9
14       Newcastle  -4.345353       12
15     Southampton  -4.000000       11
16       Tottenham   9.861198        6
17         Watford  16.091179        3
18        West Ham -15.992174       19
19          Wolves -10.230248       16
create_rating_vector(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) ndarray

Calculates Elo ratings according to pairs of items data.


Nothing to compute, all computations are made in ratingslib.ratings.elo.Elo.create_rating_vector() method

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


static prepare_for_gridsearch_tuning(*, version_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, k_range: Optional[List[float]] = None, ks_range: Optional[List[float]] = None, HA_range: Optional[List[float]] = None) Dict[str, RatingSystem]

Create instances that are intended for tuning parameters.

  • version_list (List[str]) – List of Elo versions

  • k_range (Optional[List[float]], default=None) – List of k values. If None then parameter is not intended for tuning

  • ks_range (Optional[List[float]], default=None) – List of ks values. If None then parameter is not intended for tuning

  • HA_range (Optional[List[float]], default=None) – List of HA values. If None then parameter is not intended for tuning


rating_systems_dict – Dictionary that contains Elo instances with the parameters we want for tuning.

Return type


class Colley(version=ratings.COLLEY)

Bases: RatingSystem

This class implements the Colley rating system. This system was proposed by astrophysicist Dr. Wesley Colley in 2001 for ranking sports teams. Colley’s method [1]_ makes use of an idea from probability theory, known as Laplace’s ‘‘rule of succession’’. In fact, it is a modified form of the win-loss method, which uses the percentage of wins of each team.


version (str, default=ratings.COLLEY) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.


The Colley matrix of shape (n,n) where n = the total number of items.




The right-hand side vector b of shape (n,) where n = the total number of items.





Colley, W. (2002). Colley’s bias free college football ranking method: The Colley Matrix Explained.


The following example demonstrates Colley rating system, for the 20 first soccer matches that took place during the 2018-2019 season of English Premier League.

>>> from ratingslib.datasets.filenames import dataset_path, FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES
>>> from ratingslib.ratings.colley import Colley
>>> filename = dataset_path(FILENAME_EPL_2018_2019_20_GAMES)
>>> Colley().rate_from_file(filename)
              Item    rating  ranking
0          Arsenal  0.333333       16
1      Bournemouth  0.686012        3
2         Brighton  0.562500        6
3          Burnley  0.401786       10
4          Cardiff  0.394345       11
5          Chelsea  0.666667        5
6   Crystal Palace  0.501488        8
7          Everton  0.562500        6
8           Fulham  0.293155       17
9     Huddersfield  0.333333       16
10       Leicester  0.473214        9
11       Liverpool  0.712798        2
12        Man City  0.666667        5
13      Man United  0.508929        7
14       Newcastle  0.391369       12
15     Southampton  0.366071       14
16       Tottenham  0.671131        4
17         Watford  0.741071        1
18        West Ham  0.349702       15
19          Wolves  0.383929       13

Solve the system Cr=b to obtain the Colley rating vector r.

create_colley_matrix(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Construction of Colley coefficient matrix C and right-hand side vector b.

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


kendall_tau_table(ratings_dict: Dict[str, DataFrame], print_out: bool = True) List[List[float]]

Kendall Tau comparison of ranking lists.

  • ratings_dict (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) – Dictionary that maps names to ratings. Note that ratings are stored in a pandas.DataFrame.

  • print_out (bool) – If True then print results table.


kendall_results – Table of Kendall tau results. The lower diagonal elements represent Kendall’s tau values of each pair, while the upper diagonal elements the p-values of each pair from the two-sided hypothesis test, whose null hypothesis is an absence of association

Return type


class RatingAggregation(version=ratings.AGGREGATIONMARKOV, votes_or_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, b: float = 0.9)

Bases: RatingSystem

Class for Rating aggregation

  • version (str, default=ratings.AGGREGATIONMARKOV) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

  • votes_or_weights (Optional[Dict[str, float]]) – Votes or weigths for matrices

  • b (float, optional) – Valid if aggregation method = ratings.AGGREGATIONMARKOV, by default 0.9

calc_rating_distances(data_df: DataFrame, rating_column_name: str) ndarray

Calculate and create pairwise matrix by taking into account the rating differences (as distances)

  • data_df (pd.DataFrame) – dataset of ratings

  • rating_column_name (str) – which is the rating column of dataset


matrix – rating distances matrix

Return type


calc_dict_rating_distances(data_df: DataFrame, rating_columns: List[str]) Dict[str, ndarray]

Calculate and create dictionary of pairwise matrices by taking into account the rating differences (as distances). Each column represents the rating method name.

  • data_df (pd.DataFrame) – dataset of ratings

  • rating_columns (List[str]) – list of columns that refers to ratings


matrices_dict – dictionary that maps column to rating distance matrix

Return type

Dict[str, np.ndarray]

static rating_aggregation(matrices_dict: Dict[str, ndarray], votes_or_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, aggregation_method: str = ratings.AGGREGATIONMARKOV, b: float = 0.9) ndarray

Rating aggregation from rating lists

  • matrices_dict (Dict[str, np.ndarray]) – Dictionary that maps name to rating distance matrix

  • votes_or_weights (Optional[Dict[str, float]]) – Votes or weigths for matrices

  • aggregation_method (str, default=ratings.AGGREGATIONMARKOV) – Name of aggregation method

  • b (float, optional) – Valid if aggregation method = ratings.AGGREGATIONMARKOV, by default 0.9


rating – Aggregated rating vector

Return type



ValueError – If matrices_dict and votes_or_weights parameters don’t have the same size


To be overridden in subclasses.

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


class RankingAggregation(version=ratings.RANKINGAVG)

Bases: RatingSystem

Class for Ranking Aggregation


version (str, default=ratings.RANKINGAVG) – A string that shows the version of rating system. The available versions can be found in ratingslib.utils.enums.ratings class.

static ranking_aggregation(data_df: DataFrame, rating_columns: List[str], aggregation_method: str = ratings.RANKINGAVG) ndarray

Ranking aggregation from ranking lists

  • data_df (pd.DataFrame) – Rating values are the columns of DataFrame

  • aggregation_method (str, default=ratings.AGGREGATIONAVG) – Name of aggregation method


rating – Aggregated rating vector

Return type



ValueError – If matrices_dict and votes_or_weights parameters don’t have the same size


All the calculations are made in ratingslib.ratings.aggregations.RankingAggregation.ranking_aggregation() method.

preparation_phase(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

To be overridden in subclasses.

rate(data_df: DataFrame, items_df: DataFrame, sort: bool = False, columns_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) DataFrame

This method computes ratings for a pairwise data. (e.g. soccer teams games). To be overridden in subclasses.

  • data_df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pairwise data.

  • items_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Set of items (e.g. teams) to be rated

  • sort (bool, default=True.) – If true, the output is sorted by rating value

  • columns_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – The column names of data file. See ratingslib.datasets.parameters.COLUMNS_DICT for more details.


items_df – The set of items with their rating and ranking.

Return type


